Manchester Terror Attacks: Finding Solace in the Power of Music

The world was shocked on Monday evening by the news that at least 22 people were tragically killed and numerous others injured in an appalling and cowardice act of terror at Manchester Arena. As music lovers embarked on a visit to the venue that evening, in what was supposed to be a joyous and celebratory occasion, no one could have foreseen the horrifying turn of events.

How to Give Inspiring Music Lessons

It takes more than exceptional talent to great music lessons. Teachers should inspire their students to emulate the same levels of mastery they’ve acquired. The passion and dedication that served as a catalyst in the tutor’s own progression should be instilled into the student to help them in theirs.

The Art of Improvisation

Improvisation can be a brilliant idea which frees the mind and, in the case of music, allows you to hear and enjoy the sounds for the very first time – just like the audience. To me it feels like a more instant and raw expression, the kind of organic process my hippie wanker soul craves. It’s the way a lot of songs are written too. It crunches the rigid boundaries set by square killjoys who love a rule book of verse, chorus, verse…

Band Merchandise: Weird and Wonderful Examples of Unconventional Music Memorabilia – Part 1

While bands typically elect for a range of t-shirts, badges, stickers, wristbands and physical copies of their discography to flog at shows, others groups choose to go very much against the grain of this established musical protocol. From the outlandish to the downright practical, we look at the latest range of unconventional band merchandise that truly breaks the mould.

Illegally Downloading The Life of Pablo – Yeezy Made Me Do It

BEING possibly the most hotly anticipated album of the decade by certainly the most controversial artist of the millennium, I just couldn’t wait for The Life of Pablo by Kanye West to be available to buy in stores. But it seems that day is still a long time away, so I have had no choice to but to download it illegally. Mr. West, sue me.